REPOWER also fully supports you in the New Photovoltaic Station Subsidy program, which has been launched by the Ministry of Energy. We fully undertake the preparation of your file so that an application can be made immediately through the IPTO online platform, which is already operational and priority will be given to those who submit an application in time! More specifically:
  • There is an electronic platform through which it is possible for Self-Producers with Net Metering to submit and manage connection requests for Photovoltaic Stations of an installed capacity of 10.8kW and a maximum production capacity of 10kW to the Distribution Network, including the Distribution Network of the Non-Interconnected Islands.
  • To use the electronic platform, login via GPS is required exclusively with the TAXISnet codes of the requesting organization. You can review the detailed percentages of the subsidy and the eligibility criteria by clicking on the following link:


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