
This website was created by the company RECOM REPOWER SA based in Agios Dimitrios, Attica, 1 Poseidonos Street, with contact e-mail info @re-power.com and tel: +302107001640 (hereinafter: the Company), which is also its administrator.

The use of the website https://re-power.com/en/ is governed by these general terms, which the visitor/user is requested to read carefully, as the use of the website implies their unconditional acceptance. In the event that the visitor/user does not agree with the terms of use herein, he/she must not use the services and content of the website.


Terms of Use of the website of RECOM REPOWER SA

These terms of use may be revised and updated at any time and without notice. The visitor/user is requested to check the terms of use of the website at regular intervals, as its continuous use means that he/she accepts any modifications made to it from time to time.

Intellectual Property Rights

All content of this website, including distinctive titles, marks, images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, etc. are the intellectual property of the COMPANY and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions or intellectual property of third parties which the COMPANY has obtained a license to use for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of the online store.

The content of the website is made available to the visitor/user/customer for his/her personal use and is subject to change without notice at the discretion of the Company. Any other use by a visitor/user requires the Company's prior written permission.

The reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the COMPANY or any other copyright holder and after contacting the email address info@re-power.com.


Links to other Websites

The website may, among other things, provide links to third-party websites, who have full control over the content they post on them and therefore full responsibility for the security, legality and validity of their content and their services.
The products, services and content of third parties that may appear on the website pages are the intellectual and industrial property of the third parties, who bear the responsibility for the restoration of any claim from any violation of the rights of other persons, such as indicatively intellectual and industrial property rights, etc. ., expressly excluding any liability of the Company for the content or security of these websites.

Personal Data Protection

The Company may collect and process personal data of website visitors / users in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy.

Limitation of Liability – Disclaimer

The Company shall, under no circumstances, including in the case of negligence, be responsible for any form of damage suffered by the visitor/user of the pages, services, options and contents of the website which he/she accesses on his/her own initiative and being aware of these terms.

Also, the Company does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors, that errors will be corrected or that all questions raised to it will be answered.

Likewise, the Company does not guarantee that the website or any other related website or servers ("servers") through which the content is made available to the visitor/user are provided without "viruses" or other harmful components. The cost of possible corrections or services shall be borne by the visitor/user and in no case by the Company.

Transfers of Businesses

In connection with any reorganization, restructuring, merger or sale or other transfer of assets (collectively "Business Transfer"), we will be transferring data, including personal data, to the extent reasonable and necessary for a Transfer of Business, and provided that the recipient agrees to respect your personal data in a manner consistent with applicable data protection laws. We will continue to ensure the confidentiality of any personal data and will inform affected subjects before the personal data becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

 Visitor/User Responsibility

The visitor/user of the website assumes responsibility for any damage caused to the website by bad or unfair use of the relevant services. For any damage or moral suffering caused through our services, from the posting, publication or sharing of any content by a visitor/user, the visitor/user is solely responsible for its restoration.

Applicable Law – Jurisdiction

These Terms and any amendments to them are governed by Greek Law. For any dispute that may arise from these terms and conditions, the competent courts shall be the Courts of Athens.

Terms Of Use
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Privacy Policy (GDPR)
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