The LYNX N Type (TOPCon) series is considered the technology of the future. TOPCon solar cells, due to the way they are manufactured, eliminate the losses of the energy produced. In addition, thanks to their property of having two sides (bifacial panels), the collection and production of electricity takes place on both surfaces, front and back. N-type solar panels are generally more efficient at producing electricity than P-type solar panels. This is because they have a lower electron recombination rate, meaning there are fewer losses due to the breakdown of excess negative charge. N-type solar panels also have a more stable output voltage, which helps increase the efficiency of the entire solar power system. However, P-type solar panels are used much more often, as they are less expensive to manufacture compared to N-type solar panels. At the same time, they offer a perfect aesthetic result with high efficiency and durability. 

  • Bifacial N type (TOPCon) Monocrystalline Double Glass Frame 
  • Its low temperature coefficient contributes to a small decrease in its efficiency with the increase in temperature, a fact particularly important for the intense Greek summer. 
  • Protection from the PID phenomenon (anti-PID protection), from the LID phenomenon (anti-LID protection) and from hot-spots protection.  
  • Certification for resistance to heavy snowfall (5400Pa) and strong winds (2400Pa). 
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