The LION Heterojunction (HJT) series is a revolutionary technology. It guarantees high efficiency and low efficiency drop of the photovoltaic module over time. They combine two different technologies in one cell, a crystalline cellular silicon sandwiched between two layers of "thin film" amorphous silicon. Used together, these technologies allow for increased panel efficiency and more energy collection compared to conventional panels. Finally, the losses caused by various obstacles are significantly reduced, achieving increased performance in shading conditions. It is an ideal solution for end users who want a quality and reliable product but also a quick payback on their investment.  

  • Bifacial – Double Sided HJT Monocrystalline Double Glass Frame. 
  • Excellent performance in shadow and low light conditions. 
  • Its low temperature coefficient contributes to a small decrease in its efficiency with the increase in temperature, a fact particularly important for the intense Greek summer. 
  • Protection from the PID phenomenon (anti-PID protection), from the LID phenomenon (anti-LID protection) and from hot-spots protection. 
  • Certification for resistance to heavy snowfall (5400Pa) and strong winds (2400Pa). 
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